Saturday, May 10, 2008

Shaklee Cleaning Products

I've read a lot about Shaklee cleaning products lately and wanted to share what information I've gathered and bring their eco-centered cleaning attitude to your attention. Please know that I haven't tried any of their products yet but hope to soon. And when I do, I'll add another post to the site with my review information. Until then, here's what I know about their company, their philosophy and their products thus far:

Back in 1960, Shaklee made one of the first biodegradable household cleaners. As they say, they were doing it "back when green was just a color and biodegradable was barely a word." Shaklee was the first company in the world to obtain Climate Neutral certification and totally offset their CO2 emissions, resulting in zero impact on the environment! Now that's impressive!

Their headquarters in California is a tribute to their beliefs: wood used is harvested from certified sustainable forests, motion-censored lights are in place to conserve energy, their carpet and chairs are made from recycled materials and their grounds are carefully landscaped with herbs to represent their natural products.

So that's a lot of positives about their company, but what about their products? Well, I've been reading many positive reviews in that area too. I've read repeatedly that there is no smell to their products, and no toxins such as chlorine, ammonia, phosphates and formaldehyde. I say they're worth trying...and that's what I plan to do. And when that happens, you all will be the first to know my thoughts!

To view their product line or read more about them, visit

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