Wednesday, January 7, 2009

A Favorite Quote of Mine

I had my post-pregnancy checkup at the doctor yesterday and realized that I'm no longer pregnant. I know it's been weeks, but it just hit me. And then last night, I woke to feed my daughter at 3:00 a.m. and noticed her strong self had moved so far and it got me thinking this morning of a quote I hold dear to my heart.

Any of you who have given birth will appreciate these quiet, thoughtful words by Elizabeth Berg:

"I worry about you, lost-looking in a crib that seems gigantic. I check on you a million times a day as you sleep there, your head nudged into the corner of the bumper pad. Is it familiar to you, that feeling of having your head pressed against something? Is that why you determinedly make your way there, regardless of where in the crib I lay you down? I am glad to have you out in the world with me at last, but sometimes we miss the way we used to be. Thus it is that I wake up and put my hand to my empty womb; thus it is that you inch your way up toward a memory, seeking a kind of solace in your sleep. We have not left pregnancy behind completely, either of us. We remember together."

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