Sunday, January 4, 2009

Raising Kids Who Care

Now that the traditional season of giving is past, it's time to ensure our children hold on to their caring and thoughtful ways all throughout 2009...and I came across an article from Reader's Digest that outlines just how to raise such children.

The article outlines how five different families have taught their children, by example, how to be compassionate, respectful, and giving...stories such as Kathy Saulitis who "once heard a high school student speaking at a PTA meeting about a community service project he'd organized. She though 'I want my children to grow up to be just like him,' says Kathy. 'I want them to learn how to give, develop compassion and empathy, and be around kids of diverse backgrounds.'"

Each story shows what worked for each family...what their ideas and passions were. Not every idea is for every family. The idea is to read the article and gather what works for your family...and branch out from there.

The key, if you do nothing else, is to lead by example. Hold open doors for people arriving at the post office with you, assist the elderly up steps and curbs, allow cars to merge ahead of you, and donate food to feed those less fortunate all throughout the year...anything that shows your children you're aware of other's needs. And you'll quickly find your children being mindful of others as well. After all, they are always watching!

Read the full article for more ideas at

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