Sunday, March 29, 2009

The Shape of a Mother

I visited the website The Shape of a Mother a few years ago and had forgotten all about it until a friend of mine told me she had seen it last week. The front page describes the creator's inspiration and dreams for the site:
"One day I sat in a restaurant in Anaheim, California eating breakfast, when a woman passed by my table with her infant carrier in tow. As she lifted it up to fit between the tables, her shirt raised and I saw that, although she was at a healthy weight and her body was fit, she had that same extra skin hanging around her belly that I do. It occurred to me that a post-pregnancy body is one of this society's greatest secrets; all we see of the female body is that which is airbrushed and perfect, and if we look any different, we hide it from the light of day in fear of being seen. That makes me want to cry. Sure we all talk about the sagging boobs and other parts, but no one ever sees them. Or if they do, it's in comical form, mocking the beauty that created and nourished our children.

It is my dream, then, to create this website where women of all ages, shapes, sizes and nationalities can share images of their bodies so it will no longer be secret. So we can finally see what women really look like sans airbrushes and plastic surgery. I think it would be nothing short of amazing if a few of our hearts are healed, or if we begin to cherish our new bodies which have done so much for the human race. What if the next generation grows up knowing how normal our bodies are? How truly awesome would that be?"
I am someone who does my best to take care of myself...I eat right, exercise, and work my brain (when I'm not filling snack requests, cleaning up messes and chauffeuring my children to their activities). But still, I am a mother. I may still wear all of my pre-pregnancy clothes, but after birthing and nursing three children, my body has changed...all of me has changed.

My hips have grown a bit, but my heart is even larger. My breasts may not be as high, but I've also never been more grounded. And my belly may not be as firm, but I've never held on tighter to my beliefs and dreams for the world my children will inherit. I am a mother and am so very grateful for the changes motherhood has given me!

If you need to be lifted up, or just require a quiet reminder of your own beauty, visit And please pass the site on to other beautiful mothers you know.

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