Thursday, February 25, 2010

Iveta Gourmet

I'm a made-from-scratch kind of mom. The cakes, cookies, scones, ice cream, popsicles, breads, and even some of the pasta and tortillas our family eats are made from scratch right in my kitchen. This is due to equal parts of my enjoying the process, it's healthy for my family, and let's face it, it tastes better!

But this week I made scones from Iveta Gourmet's mix...and I ate two while they were still warm. And then I had another one after dinner that evening. And I am officially hooked.

All I had to do was empty the contents into a bowl and mix in some cream, mold them into a circle, cut them into triangles and top them with some natural sugar. It was so easy, the mix is all natural, and they were delicious! Not too dry, not tasteless, and just sweet enough.

I was not surprised to learn that Iveta Gourmet was on Oprah's "O" List of her favorite things. And let's face it, if they're good enough for Oprah, they're probably good enough for your family for breakfast or a snack. I know they are for mine!

Visit to learn more about their amazing products, which include mixes for muffins, biscuits, cupcakes, as well as prepared jams, curds, and teas...and to purchase.

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