Friday, February 6, 2009

Hank & Cheef

My children and I have been sick this week and it's got me thinking about all of the Kleenex we've used. So I've done some research. Did you know it takes 90 years to grow one box of tissues? And that purchasing one alternative to disposable tissues can save 17,000 virgin trees? I didn't either until recently. But now that you have the information, I'm sure you'll want to add action to that knowledge. And for that reason, I present to you Hank & Cheef.

Hank & Cheef is not your grandfather's handkerchief! These reusable facial clothes are as fashionable as they are useful, cost efficient and eco-friendly! There are so many styles to choose from, each with bright colors and cheerful graphics. Perfect for your child to keep in their coat pocket when out building snow forts and for you to keep in your desk drawer, diaper bag, or car glove box! They're also perfect for allergy season.

Visit to see their great designs...I have the tree 7-pack and there isn't a single design I don't like! I also love the robot single!

1 comment:

  1. More and more people need to know about these, we go through lots of tissues and burp rags/cloths do not seem soft enough!
