Wednesday, March 21, 2012

100 Ways To Be Kind To Your Child

A friend posted a link to this list of 100 Ways to be Kind to your Child on Facebook yesterday and I just had to share! Of all the chain emails and links shared online, this one deserves to go viral!

This expansive list of games to play, simple gestures, and ideas of stories to tell your children is so thoughtful it's sure to make any long day more enjoyable for both you and your children. I also recommend printing out the PDF available to download at the bottom of the page to keep handy...every parents knows that during tough days, it's easy to lose sight of how important small gestures can be.

Give the list a look and tell me, what's your favorite way to be kind to your child?


  1. Ideas to remember no matter how old your kids are! Thanks for sharing, I 've got it tweeted:)

  2. I definitely needed that reminder - we all do! Thanks for posting. And, I love the lunch box love note. WE did it faithfully at the beginning of school, and now it has gone by the wayside. I will reinstate it.
